If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, there are compelling results in the way of treatment with homeopathic medicine. Chronic pain is a blanket term used to describe pain that lasts for 12 weeks or more, and can result from any one of hundreds of conditions from fibromyalgia to neuropathic pain to arthritis to shingles. For years, the default method for treating chronic pain has been and still is with prescription or over the counter painkillers, all of which can have detrimental health effects as well as addiction. There is another option to long-term use of painkillers, and that is homeopathy. I have treated hundreds of patients with chronic pain ranging in severity and across the board in diagnosis with much success, and homeopathy provides relief without the chance of addiction as well as without side effects. The approach is to investigate any known etiology of the pain, as well as contributing factors, in addition to the unique inherent symptoms of the individual experiencing the chronic pain, and how they are affected by it. The following examples demonstrate real-life cases and their experiences and what treatment was like.
Case #1: Patient presented with severe neurological pain all on the left side of the body for the better part of a year. After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis by a neurologist, they came for homeopathic treatment. After careful investigation, it was found that the pain had initially begun only a few hours after receiving a Hep B vaccination. The pain was accompanied by numbness and tingling and concomitant visual disturbances as well as severe constipation. Remedy Sepia Officianalis 200ch was administered daily for 5 days, and by day 7, patient was pain free in addition to vision being restored completely and after a month, bowel movements regular again. This patient had a relapse of visual disturbance 6 months later, took one more dose of remedy and has been normal without relapse for last 5 years.
Case #2: Patient presented with fibromyalgia and joint pain for 2 years and was unable to work or care for family because of the pain, and the painkillers and sleeping pills made them too fatigued to even complete daily chores. Depression and weight gain followed as a result of chronic pain (very common). Pain was worse in the evening and night, worse standing, worse lying on right side, better from heat and dry weather and worse the approach of a storm. Depression manifested in apathy and feelings of indifference, and patient had severe indecisiveness. Patient would also experience night sweats, especially on chest and torso. Remedy given was Phosphorus 1M and within 3 weeks pain was reduced by 75%, and patient felt more alert, and was sleeping through the night (no more sweats). Two months later, pain level is reduced almost 100%, and patient feels energetic and motivated enough to begin exercising, feelings of apathy gone, and no need for painkillers or sleeping pills.
Homeopathy only works when the time is taken to investigate any known causes, and factors which make the pain worse and/or better, as well as investigating all other changes associated with the time frame of which they’ve been unwell. By matching the patients unique symptoms, regardless of diagnosis, based on the information they provide, with a remedy that treats those specific characteristics, homeopathy can be very successful in the treatment of chronic pain.